Rich developed an appreciation for the natural landscape from an early age, having been born and raised in rural western Pennsylvania. His passion for migratory birds, especially those that rely on wetlands, drew him to working at PLJV, especially the ability to positively impact migratory bird habitats on a landscape scale.
Prior to joining PLJV, Rich spent 12 years working for Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, initially as the Webless Migratory Game Bird Coordinator and later as the Wildlife Research Section Supervisor, and then an Assistant Director in the Wildlife Division.
As the PLJV Coordinator, Rich represents the interests of the joint venture and its partners in a variety of professional forums, and plays a key role in developing, maintaining and advancing a strategic, landscape oriented, partnership-driven approach to integrated migratory bird conservation. He enjoys working with the dynamic and productive PLJV team, who share his passion for birds and the habitats they rely on, as well as the partners that make our success possible.
Rich is happily married to his partner Cassie and enjoys biking, hiking, fly fishing, and trying to convince his golden retrievers that duck hunting is an enjoyable way to spend a fall day.