Having spent many seasons as a weathered field technician, Alex grew close to the plant and animal inhabitants of the harsh, yet delicate, landscape of the Chihuahuan Desert region of southeast New Mexico. While much of their job is focused on the science of conserving this grassland ecosystem, Alex also appreciates the many remarkable moments that come with working in conservation and strives not to lose sight of the big picture.
Prior to joining PLJV, Alex led field crews and collected data for the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture Grassland Effectiveness Monitoring protocol. During that time, they worked with many landowners and ranchers as well as state, federal, and non-government conservation partners – and look forward to connecting with a variety of land stewards and producers to further grassland restoration efforts in New Mexico.
Alex received a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from Midwestern State University in 2019. Throughout their education and career, Alex has continually sought diverse perspectives and believes the best results stem from having a good team and shared understanding from everyone at the conservation table.